"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
~ Romans 10:14-15
Africa's been on my heart for many years; something about it just always attracted me. I've always liked adventure and unique things and I always wanted to help people there.
I remember the wish of going to Africa started becoming really strong when I was 15 years old.
I became a Christian 2 years ago, when I was 21 years old. When I got saved, I decided to go to Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe. I wanted to learn how to live as a Christian and I knew I would be making slow progress at home.
I also knew I wanted to be a missionary. I applied for a Bible College Bachelors program but a month in the semester God very clearly spoke to me, saying “You're coming back next semester, and you're applying for the 1-year Missions Training Program.“
And so I did.
The program is very similar to a normal Bible College program but it has some differences. We studied lives of first missionaries to Africa, India, South America... We looked closely at their methods and principals and discussed what we would or could do when we go on a mission field. We also read a lot of biographies which gave me an even bigger picture of how the Lord really works and how big He is.
God gave me a very personal promise in November 2011 – it was the end of church service and we were worshiping the Lord. I was praying about my future and God gave me such a clear picture of a red path, green hills around it and my feet on the path while I was walking towards a near village. He only said one word - “someday”. It was a picture of Africa, and the promise brought so much peace into my heart. I knew that someday I'll be going to Africa to bring the Good News to the lost.
I finished Missions training program in December 2011 and went home. I was praying and seeking the Lord for a month on what the next step was, and He answered by opening a door for me to try different kinds of ministries in my city and my church. I joined an already existing Junior High group, started working in two new Junior High groups, and started helping in two Sunday Schools and in Good News Clubs for kids. God’s been teaching me so much and I can see how He's been preparing me for working with children in the future.
I stayed in contact with some of my schoolmates from Bible College and there was the Aikoo family that I knew was going to Ghana for 2 months to spy the land and decide what to do next. I talked to them in March and they told me they're planning on going to Ghana for a 10-day missions trip with their church in February 2013, and they invited me to come with them. Since I had no idea what I'm doing in September and because I thought there's no way for me to go, I said no. We talked again in May and then it occurred to me “Why can't I go? Whatever I am doing, I can take 10 days off.” And so I talked to my pastor and his wife and got their blessing, got the peace about it from God, and decided to go!
After I got the picture of Africa and God said “someday”, I had no idea He was going to open the door for me to go to Africa for the first time in such a short time! What an amazing God I serve!
My main reasons for going are:
· to get a real picture of Africa (picture of Africa in my head may not be the same as real Africa actually is!)
· to spy the land, step out in faith and see if Ghana would be a place where God would want me to go
· to meet Christians in Ghana and encourage them by helping out with needs they have
The missions trip will last 10 days and for now we only know it will be in the beginning of February 2013. I’ll be joining a team from Calvary Chapel Breath of Life Upper Marlboro in Maryland, where the Aikoo family goes to. I don't know many details about the trip yet but I do know we would fly to Accra, the capital of Ghana, and then fly to Tamale which is the capital of Northern Ghana. We would visit the churches there and encourage the already established churches by giving testimonies, practically coming alongside them for any help they need, evangelize unreached areas (perhaps with skits or dramas) and help in children’s and women’s ministry.
Would you please pray for:
1. God's guiding hand upon the whole trip
2. God’s protection over us during the whole trip
3. wisdom and discernment on how to work and live in Ghana
4. guidance about my future
5. God's provision
Hope you are well!
Please let me know how you are doing and how can I pray for you.