Saturday, April 25, 2015

The journey of going to Africa

I remember being 15 and thinking "I wish I lived in Africa. Look at all those nuns… they get to help so many people. I wish I was like them."
My mom had an elementary school anniversary around that time. One of the ladies that used to be her schoolmate lives in Africa and helps people as a nun. She came to the anniversary and when my mom came home, she told me of all the stories her schoolmate shared with her.
My mom has always wanted to live in Africa. Maybe I got that desire from her...

When I started High School, my life took a different turn. I was depressed and didn't like my life, so I reached out to different things, trying to get help. Drugs, alcohol, relationships… none of them worked. At least not for a long time. My desire for Africa and helping people was put to the side; I was trying to help myself.

Then I finished High School and realized life can be different. I took some classes and became a preschool teacher.
I love kids and I started working in a preschool. One of my co~workers knew of my desire to live in Africa. She came to me one day and said, "Mana, they need preschool teachers in Uganda, for 3 months. They cover your basic needs. Wanna go?" I took some time and was really thinking of saying yes, but then said no because I wasn't ready for it mentally. It was just not the right time yet.

I went to England as a nanny in 2009, at the age of 20… and came home after 3 months. My life seemed another kind of mess. The Lord never really left me alone, and since I was slowly hitting rock bottom, He reached out to me and I responded (finally!!!). He saved me on 13/14 January 2010. I knew right away I wanted to serve the Lord with all I have, and I wanted to be a missionary. I decided to go to Bible College to get to know who God is and deepen my relationship with Him.

Throughout that year and a half of Bible College there were many things that happened concerning Africa. I was able to meet people who have been to Africa and even had a desire to serve there as missionaries. I met Gus and Shaunice, a couple who has a desire to go to Ghana as missionaries. They were going to Ghana for 2 months and they asked me to come with them. I prayed about it for over 2 months and didn't really get clear answers. The Lord gave me a vision one evening during worship time. I was walking, bare feet, on a dirt road in Africa. I was walking towards a nearby village. My feet were dirty and I was wearing a long, blue skirt. I heard God say one word: someday. That was so comforting and encouraging to hear ~ He confirmed my calling to Africa!!! But He didn't say anything about going or not going to Ghana. I continued praying and a few weeks later heard God say, "Go back home, to Slovenia." I was shocked, I really expected Him to say to go to Ghana!!
I had no idea why I needed to return home, but I obeyed and went back to Slovenia. We found out 3 days after my arrival that my mom had lung cancer. There was a reason why I needed to go back home: God wanted me to be a light for Him in the midst of a storm.

I came home and said to God, "I'm here. How do you want to use me?"
My pastor allowed me to try different ministries to see where I'm gifted and where God was calling me. I am so thankful for that ~ I didn't have any ministry experiences. I ended up helping in Junior High group in Ljubljana, and then started a Junior High group in Kocevje. But I didn't forget about Africa ~ how could I?!? :)

Gus and Shaunice were going back to Ghana and again invited me to go with them; this time only for 10 days. In faith I said yes.  I had no idea what God was doing in the background. So in February 2013 I went to Africa for the first time! It was such a dream come true to even stand on African land!!! I absolutely loved it there! One of my biggest prayers while in Ghana was for the Lord to confirm His calling on my life. He spoke to me through His word on the 7th day. He shared these 2 verses with me:
"After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth. And he said to him, “Follow me.” And leaving everything, he rose and followed him."Luke 5:27~28 
"Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!" ~ Luke 12:24

With the first one He just pierced my heart, telling me to follow Him, leaving EVERYTHING! And then I got worried and my mind was filled with concerns. That's when the pastor shared Luke 12:24 ~ and God completely calmed me down!
I was SO EXCITED that God was confirming things and calling me! But after coming back to Slovenia, the doors closed. I really thought He would send me (or us) to Ghana… and yet He didn't. So I continued praying about it and then moved to Kocevje and committed for 2 years of service here. That was a big step for me. One of the biggest fears was that I will get stuck in Kocevje and will not be able to go to Africa if I moved here. Of course that's not true.
I moved to Kocevje in faith and continued praying for Africa.
Me, Ana, Shaunice, Gabby, Gus and pastor Donne in Ghana

 Playing with the kids after church 

In July 2014 my friend Zala and I were talking during one of the summer activities and she ended up sharing her heart about Africa. She has always wanted to go to Africa for a few months to work in an orphanage and help children. I was surprised but I told her I was praying for God to open the door for me to go back to Africa, and for someone to possibly come with me. We decided to pray about it, on our own, and see what God does :) A month later we went to a conference called The History Makers where our callings were confirmed and we decided to step out in faith and see where God leads. Whomever we talked to, wherever we turned, it was all about Kenya. That was very interesting to us… we didn't know anyone in Kenya and have no idea why God would want to send us to Kenya, but we took a step in that direction. After a month of discouragement and a lot of "no's", I contacted Calvary Chapel Nairobi and got an answer within 2 hours. That's how the whole process with them started.
Zala and I sent them our reference forms from our pastor and people we work with in the church, and then a few months later we Skyped with the pastor in Kenya and his wife (they are from California but have lived in Nairobi for years) and finalized things, asked many questions and answered their questions. We had a great time talking and we clicked right away! :)

A month later Zala and I bought our plane tickets; we're leaving September 23rd!!! :)
Zala is staying 2 months and I am staying 4 months (or longer). We are thrilled that God opened the door for us to go to serve Him in Kenya!

I am going on this trip to serve the Lord in Kenya, but I'm also going to spy out the land and see if the Lord is calling me there longterm.

This might not be the "someday" God was talking about in the vision He gave me… but it's a step towards that "someday", and that's enough for me for now. We'll see what He does next :)