Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A good day.

It's been more than 2 weeks since the semester started and I must say this semester is quite different. I figured out my schedule and I like it. I have a lot more free time that I had last semester because of a different program and it gives me more time to spend with God which is the discipline I’m willing to learn this semester.
I specially love my Tuesdays: I get up, go to breakfast, have devotions and then… I go to CCA where we have classrooms for kids and where my “work place” is. I spend 3 hours up there every Tuesday morning. It’s a part of my servanthood class (8 hours per week) and I have different responsibilities this semester. I’m Lynn’s Teacher Assistant and I help her with everything, literally – I went to get her coffee today :) but I also help her teach!! I worked with Mikayla today; she’s 5 and she’s the cutest ever. We worked on her reading skills and her pronunciations and then I read 2 stories to her. It’s a special time I have with her and I noticed my relationship with her is different than with the other kids because we have a teacher-student relationship while with others I have a grownup-kid relationship or friend-friend. It’s different and it’s hard at some moments because… I don’t know. At the beginning I thought we just didn’t click but it’s not that. Because I’m her teacher, she has that respect for me that you don’t have for a friend, if that makes sense. I like that I’m being respected and I love being in a position of a teacher! I just LOVE it!
I got to be a teacher today again, first with Mikayla but then also with her sister Leah. She’s 9 and she seems older because she’s mature. I’d say she’s 11.
She was waiting for her mom to be done working with Mikayla to help her with her math but since I was free, I worked with her. It was challenging, that’s for sure! Not the math part but the language part! We were working through a workbook and expressions in English are so different than in Slovene! It took me some time to get used to it and Leah was a big help, trying to explain what certain words meant. But as I said before, I just love being a teacher and I really hope that’s something God has for me in the future. We’ll see :)
I also got to talk to Pam Markey, she’s our MTP teacher (Missions training program). We have a class at her house every Thursday morning but it doesn’t seem like a class, it’s more like a tea party! She is amazing! She offers us coffee, tea, someone usually bakes a pie or muffins… and then we discuss a book we’re reading (From Jerusalem to Irin Jaya or something like that) and talk about different missionary principles.
She said she wants to meet us and talk to use to get to know us a bit better, to hear our stories… and I met her today for about an hour. I told her my story and then I told her that I have Africa on my heart (it’s been a big burden since I got back to College). I also told her that Slovenian people are on my heart as well but Africa won’t go out of my head and it’s going to be an at least year long prayer about it because at the end of the year I have to do a 30-day outreach and serve to a church wherever I want. I really pray God opens the door for me to go to Africa.
Time with Pam was really nice, it’s always nice to hear + see how people are still amazed about my story. You know, I’m used to it and I’ve shared it so many times by now but when people hear it for the first time, I love seeing the expression on their face :)

That’s all for now, I’ll share more soon. Our days are pretty much the same but some cool stuff happens from time to time as well :)

Stay tooned! ;)

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