I haven’t really updated my blog in a month… crazy. I’m always “angry” with people who do that and now I’m one of them :)
It’s been a weird month, actually. A lot of things happened at home and it was a struggle for me, but step in faith and a test of my trust in the Lord. I’m thankful I’m where I am, in a beautiful Christian bubble, surrounded by God’s wisdom, discernment, encouragement and love, and I’m so thankful He brought people to me that know exactly what to say and how to help.
I went on 2 weekend outreaches;
first one was to Pecs
(where I went on a 10-day outreach last semester);
this time only Jamie and I went
with a purpose of painting the kids’ room
in their new church.
We drew a tree, sun, clouds, butterflies… it looks really cute!
Anyway, Eger outreach was amazing. It felt more like a vacation even though we were really tired. When we got back, I felt like my soul was rested and my body was weak but that’s what missions trips are all about, right? You go to encourage people and you’re encouraged by them yourself, even though your body is tired from helping. God works for all of us!
We had Speakers’ week in the middle of these 2 outreaches and it was pretty intense. We talked about false teachers, the end times, the enemy (how he attacks, how to recognize it and how to defend ourselves), how to see what God’s will for us is and some tools to recognize it… it was good but intense, hard, because listening to 3 sermons per day is not easy, there’s no time for putting things together in your head because when you’re about to do that, another sermon comes.
Pastors that spoke were all from America and it made my heart hurt hearing everything that’s going on there… I knew about a lot of things but what they shared was just awful. There are churches on every corner but they’re mostly dead, people see Christianity as a fun fellowship that you do on weekends and… they see it wrong! There are more things that are wrong but that’s a subject for another blog post.
I’ve been thinking about what my plans for the summer might be and God is opening some doors, some possibilities… but He’s not telling me what to do yet.
He spoke to me about a 10-day outreach to Slovenia at the end of the last semester, in Dec 2010, and I went to talk to a CC Celje pastor in Jan to see if a 10-day outreach would be a possibility, and he said yes. When I got back in Hungary, I spoke to people here and we decided there’s going to be a 10-day outreach to Slovenia! YAY!
They asked me if I’d like to lead it and I said no because it’s such a big responsibility and I’m not ready for it, so our intern Jemma (she’s Australian) is leading it (and I’ll be helping a bit). We’re coming in less than 3 weeks, on Apr 15th and will be in Slovenia until April 25th. We’re planning on coming to our little church in Ljubljana as well, probably on April 17th and I’m SO EXCITED! I’m so thankful that you guys will be able to see a part of our College body and spirit and that they will be able to meet “my people” and talk to you… it’s such a huge blessing for me and it will be for all of us when it happens!
As I said earlier, God is opening some doors for the summer but He’s not speaking clearly which doors to choose yet.
We were finishing the 4th chapter of book of Joshua 2 weeks ago. At the end of the 3rd chapter, the Israelites came into the promised land and then God spoke to Joshua. He told him to tell people to choose one man from each tribe (there were 12 tribes) to go into the Jordan, find memorial stones and bring them back (4th chapter).
When they were done with what God told them to do, God spoke to them again, and that was a promise to me.
God put Slovenia on my heart for a 10-day and I obeyed. I could go to Finland, to Split (Croatia), to Pecs, to Ukraine… but God said Slovenia, and I’m going to Slovenia.
It’s been really hard for me to wait on Him and His answers but I do know He’s faithful. I’m expecting Him to speak to me when I’ll be on a 10-day in Slovenia and I’m sure many questions will be answered and many things resolved. I’m excited :)
This semester is different; it’s harder in a way. I’ve been a Christian for a good year now and the last year was like a honeymoon with Jesus. He was with me in a very close way, He was holding my hand and took me to places… I’m not saying He’s not with me anymore and that He’s not holding my hand anymore but I’m saying I’m growing up and it’s stretchy. He’s teaching me how to walk and how to listen to Him even if He doesn’t speak to me directly.
He’s teaching me a lot about prayer and how effective it is, He’s teaching me about Him so much…
Romans class is a hard class. I was thinking of dropping it after 2 weeks but God clearly spoke to me that He’d like me to be in this class. I didn’t know why but I do now.
I’ve been struggling a lot with the first few chapters… Satan used it and condemned me but God showed there’s no need for condemnation because of the following chapters in Romans where… in chapter 6, Paul speaks about sin and how we need to give our bodies as instruments to Jesus and not sin, how we need to yield to Jesus and grow in Him! In chapter 7, Paul speaks about struggles we have as Christians, how we condemn ourselves sometimes BUT the first verse in Romans 8 says “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ!” I know I’m in Jesus Christ and so… I’m not condemned!! I get convicted which I’m thankful for but I’m not condemned, not by Jesus!
But then it gets to chapter 9 where… I just got really confused. Our homework every week is to do an outline of a chapter and when I was doing an outline for chapter 9, I had no idea what to think about it.
God loves everyone, more than we can imagine. He created us! So, He loves believers and non-believers, and we’re all sinners, not worthy of His love.
He chose us, believers, to be His children. But then, God doesn’t choose everyone.
How can that be? If He loves us all, why doesn’t He choose us all? Or does He, and it’s just up to us to respond to His call?
My teacher of Romans answered on my question of “How do you know you are called from God?” with “You know you’re called if you accept Jesus as your Savior!”.
How do I know if my family’s being called? Well, God gave me a vision for my mom and dad and their salvation, but there was no vision (yet) for my sister. How do I know she’s being called?
There’s just a lot of questions popping up in Romans class and I pray for God’s wisdom because some of them are really confusing.
I love that it’s Spring and that we get to eat outside and our days get to be more joyful because of the weather.
I’m thankful I’m here and I’m thankful God wants me to come back here next semester. I see His love for me and it’s amazing.
I could write so much more what’s happening here, with all the classes (Apologetics is really interesting as well!) but I could write for days :)
Thank you for following my blog and my life, I’m thankful for all of your support.
Please, continue to pray for my family to get saved, that’s my only prayer request; I don’t need anything, I have Jesus :)