Tuesday, February 25, 2014

God is good and faithful!

I was listening to a sermon on Nehemiah 2:1-10 this morning, and I prayed that God would speak to me about certain things that are going on in my life right now.
God sure is faithful to speak what I need to hear!

When Nehemiah found out what was going on in Jerusalem, he sat down and wept (Neh 1:3-4). He was devastated and he prayed and fasted for days.

First Nehemiah wept and prayed. He repented from sins of him and his nation, and he wept.
Then Nehemiah wondered and prayed. He kept thinking about the situation and he couldn't shake it.
Then Nehemiah waited and prayed. As he was wondering and praying, the Lord shared things with him. It's one thing to know God's will and another thing to have God's timing. Nehemiah waited 4 months for the right moment to come to go to the king. God shared enough with him by then to do the first leap of faith.
Lastly, Nehemiah worked and prayed. He needed to take action based on his prayer; he packed up and set off.

I've been going through a pretty big trial in my life. The whole thing brought me to my knees, repenting. The Lord showed me my sin and my heart was heavy. I wept and prayed.
As I got through the first stage, I started wondering how to pray about the situation, how to let it go, what is my role in this. God is always so faithful. He answered some of my questions and started guiding me through the situation. There are many things I don't understand but I stand on His Word, His Truth, and His Promises.
I'm at the stage of waiting and praying. God is Sovereign, faithful, GOOD and loving. There is absolutely no reason why I wouldn't trust Him. I don't know what the end of my situation will be - Nehemiah didn't either. But God shared a basic outline for him of what he had to do. My situation is different but God spoke to me, and I know what I need to do - wait and pray. And as the time comes, there will be an opportunity for me to work and pray as well; in God's timing and according to His will.

Nehemiah was mourned by the situation in his life for months. He was praying, and now he got a chance to act. He got a green light from God and a check to rebuilt what was destroyed. And it was because the good hand of God was upon him that this was granted to him - not because Nehemiah was so great and awesome, not because he was one of the king's favorites or because he was such a good negotiator... God wanted the city of Jerusalem rebuilt more than Nehemiah did, so He made sure Nehemiah was in the right place with the right access to ask the right question of the right man at the right time. God had given Nehemiah this position + opportunity because of what God wanted done.

This brings so much comfort! Who am I to do something, to be someone, to get something...? If the hand of God is not upon me, I can do eveything and it will not succeed. "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty." - Zechariah 4:6
Also, our desires are so often God's desires that He planted in our hearts. We just need to make ourselves available and submit to Him so He can do His mighty work through us to accomplish things He planned out.

God is faithful; He never lies, and He never fails. Why in the world would I want to serve other gods when I am a daughter of a Mighty God who is King of kings and Lord of lords? He is sitting on the highest throne, He has control over everything and everyone, and He chose me to be His child. Nothing can move me from this position. Thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Mana! Thank you, Lord God, for your good work in your dear child.
