Today wasn't a really good day for me BUT it got better!
I went to the art shop to buy some paper for English camp's art class (we're gonna make our own bookmarks) and I started talking to the lady that works there about the difference between acrylic and oil paint and then we started talking about the new collection of acrylic paint that's called OPEN acrylics. It's the same as regular acrylic paint except it stays "open" for about a week (regular acrylic paint stays "open" (wet) for a couple of minutes) so it's more like oil paint but it's easier to use and it costs a bit more.
I've only been using regular acrylic paint because it's not really expensive and it's easy to use but I've been wanting to try oil paint for a while now and I don't have the money for all the colors and I don't have a place where I could leave my paintings to dry for a couple of years.
Anyway, the art lady gave a sample of Open acrylics! Isn't that amazing?!? :)
Now I can try painting with them and see if I'll even like them.
Oh, I can just see myself when I grow up and become a big girl. I'm gonna live in a small house with a garden where all of my art stuff will be and right next to my home I'll have a coffee shop/library/diner/florist's shop.
It probably doesn't make any sense but I have a clear picture of my dream life.
I'm sure God has a different picture in his head :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Smile at people.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Amazing race!
Mateja prepared Amazing race for Več (our youth group) yesterday and it was FUN, FUN, FUN!! :)
There were 3 teams, I was with Meagan, Kaja and Klavdija. Great girls, super great team :)
We started the race in the center of Ljubljana,
on Prešeren square (at 2pm) and we got a puzzle to put together. On the photo was a tower of Ljubljana castle so we knew we have to go there. It was near BUT it was SO hot (we literally ran up the hill for 5min).
We looked for the 1st station for 20min and when we found it, we were the last ones. We did the task (we had to turn a grocery bag around while standing on it) and ran to our 2nd station where we got some water (y
ay!). The task wa
sn't as easy as the first one; we had at least 10 keys in front of us and we had to put the right one to unlock the lock. It took us forever but at last we did it and we ran to Stari trg to our 3rd station where we had to find a stranger to act a scene from a certain movie with us. We picked out Titanic and we got a man that helped us be Leonardo Di Caprio :) So, he was holding Kaja while Meagan, Klavdija and me were the waves :) it was so much fun :)
We were SO fast at that task we weren't a lot behind anymore so we ran to Plaža (coast) which is a place near Ljubljanica (river). We saw the second team 200m in front of us and we decided to trick them and get to the 4th station faster. They were WALKING by the water while we RAN :) up on the road and we were really careful so they wouldn't see us and start running but at the end, we got there faster! :)
Our 4th task was to fill up half of the bucket BUT the catch was that we had to have a bucket on one side of Ljubljanica and we had to run on the other side of Ljubljanica and get the water. So.. again, a lot of running on the hot sun at 3.30pm :)
It was a lot of fun but the team that we got ahead of was faster and again, we were the last ones. We didn't really care and after filling the half of the bucket, we ran to the 5th station where we got 3 litres of lemonade and 50 plastic cups. Our task was to give this to people we don't know and come back when we're done. We were the last ones so the first 2 teams gave a lot of lemonade to people on Plaža already so we decided to go and find people on the playground and by the store, just 50m away. We found a postman on a bike and he helped us so much! He drank 1 liter of lemonade (6 or 7 cups)! We were so lucky to find him :) we gave the lemonade to some other people and when we got back to the 6th station, Mateja and Metka said we were the first ones! Our next station (7th) was in Tivoli so we walked for at least 20min to get there (Klavdija didn't feel well so she we
nt home during our walk to Tivoli.. bummer :/ )
We got there first (so funny to be the last one for so long and then be the first one just because of one post man :) ) and we had to do some pantomime but only with our face. We didn't get it right (I had no idea :) ) and we had to do another task - gall
ows (never heard of this word in english before). We did it and found out Katka and David are pregnant! :) (I hope it's ok for me to write this on my blog now that everyone knows, right?)
The other 2
teams got to Tivoli as well so we didn't have a lot of time to hug Katka and David so we ran to the playground to our 8th station where we had to lift a stick up and down (a really thin stick) and all of our fingers had to touch the stick. We did it after a while :) and the second team wasn't around yet but we still ran through Tivoli and found our 9th station where we had to touch 30 plates with numbers on it in 30 seconds. The numbers were mixed and only one person could touch the plate at one time. We did it in our first take and then we had to go to our 10th station which was in Štepanjsko naselje. If we would take a bus, it would take us around 30min or more so.. we knew we can't use our cell phones but we could ask someone else to call from their cell phone for us. And that's exactly what we did :)
We found 2 girls and explained everything to them and they called Terry, Meagan's dad to come and pick us up. While we were waiting for him, we saw the second team run to the bus station and we knew we were gonna be faster :)
We came to our 10th station which was Hondo and Trish's house and got some water and cookies and our next task. Each of us got 2 pictures of one story and we had to describe what's one the pics but we weren't allowed to show them to each other. Meagan was so great in this one, she figured out the story so fast :)
Our 11th station, the last station, was at Rudnik, at David and Katka's place. We took a bus and saw 2 other teams running to Trish's house so we knew we were probably gonna be the winners :)
It took us a while to get to Rudnik and we came first so we won (YAY! :) BUT the second team came 5min after us and the third team came 5min after them! Intense! :)
We ate dinner that Katka and girls made and just talked about our day and the amazing race.
Our team was so competitive and great. Each of us had something that would be missing if she wouldn't be in our team. Meagan was the one that was thinking fast and logicly and Kaja had some greeeeat ideas (she gave the idea of running ahead of the second team on Plaža) and I was the one that was stimulating the team (a bit too much sometimes so Meagan had to stop me :) ) and Klavdija was great at team work. It wasn't like anyone would be frustrated or angry or mad.. it was really intense sometimes but still exciting, fun!
I'm SO grateful that Mateja did this for us. We had a great time, I probably lost some weigth :) and we got to know each other better. Everyone was in a team with someone he didn't know well yet and has a different task at English camp and that's so great cuz now we can hang out with anyone even if we don't do the same things at camp.
Anyway.. I hope we repeat this sometimes. Maybe sometimes when it's not this hot ;)
There were 3 teams, I was with Meagan, Kaja and Klavdija. Great girls, super great team :)
We started the race in the center of Ljubljana,

on Prešeren square (at 2pm) and we got a puzzle to put together. On the photo was a tower of Ljubljana castle so we knew we have to go there. It was near BUT it was SO hot (we literally ran up the hill for 5min).
We looked for the 1st station for 20min and when we found it, we were the last ones. We did the task (we had to turn a grocery bag around while standing on it) and ran to our 2nd station where we got some water (y

We were SO fast at that task we weren't a lot behind anymore so we ran to Plaža (coast) which is a place near Ljubljanica (river). We saw the second team 200m in front of us and we decided to trick them and get to the 4th station faster. They were WALKING by the water while we RAN :) up on the road and we were really careful so they wouldn't see us and start running but at the end, we got there faster! :)
Our 4th task was to fill up half of the bucket BUT the catch was that we had to have a bucket on one side of Ljubljanica and we had to run on the other side of Ljubljanica and get the water. So.. again, a lot of running on the hot sun at 3.30pm :)
It was a lot of fun but the team that we got ahead of was faster and again, we were the last ones. We didn't really care and after filling the half of the bucket, we ran to the 5th station where we got 3 litres of lemonade and 50 plastic cups. Our task was to give this to people we don't know and come back when we're done. We were the last ones so the first 2 teams gave a lot of lemonade to people on Plaža already so we decided to go and find people on the playground and by the store, just 50m away. We found a postman on a bike and he helped us so much! He drank 1 liter of lemonade (6 or 7 cups)! We were so lucky to find him :) we gave the lemonade to some other people and when we got back to the 6th station, Mateja and Metka said we were the first ones! Our next station (7th) was in Tivoli so we walked for at least 20min to get there (Klavdija didn't feel well so she we

We got there first (so funny to be the last one for so long and then be the first one just because of one post man :) ) and we had to do some pantomime but only with our face. We didn't get it right (I had no idea :) ) and we had to do another task - gall

The other 2

We found 2 girls and explained everything to them and they called Terry, Meagan's dad to come and pick us up. While we were waiting for him, we saw the second team run to the bus station and we knew we were gonna be faster :)
We came to our 10th station which was Hondo and Trish's house and got some water and cookies and our next task. Each of us got 2 pictures of one story and we had to describe what's one the pics but we weren't allowed to show them to each other. Meagan was so great in this one, she figured out the story so fast :)
Our 11th station, the last station, was at Rudnik, at David and Katka's place. We took a bus and saw 2 other teams running to Trish's house so we knew we were probably gonna be the winners :)
It took us a while to get to Rudnik and we came first so we won (YAY! :) BUT the second team came 5min after us and the third team came 5min after them! Intense! :)
We ate dinner that Katka and girls made and just talked about our day and the amazing race.
Our team was so competitive and great. Each of us had something that would be missing if she wouldn't be in our team. Meagan was the one that was thinking fast and logicly and Kaja had some greeeeat ideas (she gave the idea of running ahead of the second team on Plaža) and I was the one that was stimulating the team (a bit too much sometimes so Meagan had to stop me :) ) and Klavdija was great at team work. It wasn't like anyone would be frustrated or angry or mad.. it was really intense sometimes but still exciting, fun!
I'm SO grateful that Mateja did this for us. We had a great time, I probably lost some weigth :) and we got to know each other better. Everyone was in a team with someone he didn't know well yet and has a different task at English camp and that's so great cuz now we can hang out with anyone even if we don't do the same things at camp.
Anyway.. I hope we repeat this sometimes. Maybe sometimes when it's not this hot ;)
Friday, June 11, 2010
is here!
Days are hot, it's sunny all the time and camps are almost here!
English camp in Austria starts in 2 weeks! WOW!

I'm so excited to be a part of it again (after 6 years) + this time I'm one of the team! I'm gonna help in a class as a translator and Naja and I are gonna be in charge or art stuff. CAN'T WAIT! :)
This year the camp is called Redeem and I'm excited of all the things we're gonna do with youth that's coming + I'm excited to see what does God have in mind for us this summer.

Oh, I like my life :)
Days are hot, it's sunny all the time and camps are almost here!
English camp in Austria starts in 2 weeks! WOW!
I'm so excited to be a part of it again (after 6 years) + this time I'm one of the team! I'm gonna help in a class as a translator and Naja and I are gonna be in charge or art stuff. CAN'T WAIT! :)
This year the camp is called Redeem and I'm excited of all the things we're gonna do with youth that's coming + I'm excited to see what does God have in mind for us this summer.

Oh, I like my life :)
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
A big day
I talked to Dubravka about Bible Colleges last week and she suggested Metka and I should go and see Calvary Chapel in Hungary. And that's exactly what we did :)
We stopped in Celje to get the green card for the car and in Lendava to get vingette and some hungarian money (which took us 30min because people in Lendava have all the time in the world :) ) so it took us around 5 hours to get to the school. Shaun, the school registrar, met us at the parking place and took us to the main building where we ate lunch (yummy!) and talked (it actually took us almost an hour to finish our lunches because of all the talking) and got to know each other a bit. I was SO nervous and quiet for over an hour and I'm really thankful that Metka went with me and asked all the questions. I knew mostly everything she asked because I read everything about the school on their website but it was still good to hear it and process it.
After the lunch Shaun took us to the coffee shop on the second floor and introduced us to the director of the school (he was really nice and funny) and to Vivien. She studied there for 2 years and is now finishing a year of internship and she comes from Hungary. She took us on a tour around the castle and told us a bit about the history and the program and she answered some questions that we had (I got relaxed during that tour so I started talking and asking questions :) ). The whole building reminds me a lot of the castle in Austria where we have our English Camps and retreats. It's really pretty, historical, fancy and the smell is exactly the same as in the castle in Austria. Nice :) + the library is AWESOME!
After the tour we got together with Shaun again and he introduced us to Lyn (I have no idea how to write her name but that's how she said it) who is a school teacher and teaches children of pastors and missionaries who live on the campus. She was so open and warm and she talked about a family that's moving to UK in a week and she started crying and it was a really touchy and intimate moment. Metka and I were kind of surprised because she just met us. It was kind of unusual but in a good way. I'm glad she' gonna be there next year :)
We got to know some other people who were at the school and then we
went to see the huge property around the campus. There's a pool, a volleyball court, a basketball court, a football court, a lot of walking paths, a lot of benches, a lot of places where you can "hide" and be by yourself or spend time with God or do your homework. NICE :)
Then Shaun walked us to our car where he prayed for us and gave us a hug which, I think, was a very nice gesture.
So.. we left school at 4pm. We talked about the impressions, pros and cons and just processed a bit together. We stopped by at Tesco's and went shopping for things we can't get in Slovenia but it wasn't a very big Tesco so we didn't buy a lot (for those of you who don't know what Tesco is - it's a store with grocery stuff - like Mercator or Hofer. I know it from UK and Metka knows it from Ireland and we don't have it in Slovenia, that's why we were so excited to find it!).
Before we got home, we stopped by at Metka's house in Blagovica and I got to meet her family and some friends when we went for some tea in a local coffee shop.
It was a really nice and big day for the both of us and one of the questions Metka asked me on our way back was "So.. do you think you'll go to this school?" and I said "Yep, I think so".
I got a good feeling there and I've been praying about it for almost 2 weeks now and God didn't tell me or show me anything that would say this school isn't THE school.
I'm sending emails to all 3 schools today, telling them about my decision. It's kind of hard for me to actually realize that I'm really going there for at least 4 months because of my bad experience with UK a year ago. I know people and everything will be completely different but it's still a foreign country and I'm going alone. I trust God this is right for me and I'm so glad He's with me in this huge part of my life, I could never imagine how to get through this by myself.
I would like to ask you to pray for my courage and trust in Him. I'm having a lot of attacks from the enemy in all sorts of ways and even though I'm fighting back, it's very hard.
Oh, I'm glad summer will be super busy so I'm not gonna have time to think about September that much :)
We went there on Monday and we left Ljubljana at 7am. It was rainy and cloudy and blah but we were excited!
We stopped in Celje to get the green card for the car and in Lendava to get vingette and some hungarian money (which took us 30min because people in Lendava have all the time in the world :) ) so it took us around 5 hours to get to the school. Shaun, the school registrar, met us at the parking place and took us to the main building where we ate lunch (yummy!) and talked (it actually took us almost an hour to finish our lunches because of all the talking) and got to know each other a bit. I was SO nervous and quiet for over an hour and I'm really thankful that Metka went with me and asked all the questions. I knew mostly everything she asked because I read everything about the school on their website but it was still good to hear it and process it.
After the lunch Shaun took us to the coffee shop on the second floor and introduced us to the director of the school (he was really nice and funny) and to Vivien. She studied there for 2 years and is now finishing a year of internship and she comes from Hungary. She took us on a tour around the castle and told us a bit about the history and the program and she answered some questions that we had (I got relaxed during that tour so I started talking and asking questions :) ). The whole building reminds me a lot of the castle in Austria where we have our English Camps and retreats. It's really pretty, historical, fancy and the smell is exactly the same as in the castle in Austria. Nice :) + the library is AWESOME!
After the tour we got together with Shaun again and he introduced us to Lyn (I have no idea how to write her name but that's how she said it) who is a school teacher and teaches children of pastors and missionaries who live on the campus. She was so open and warm and she talked about a family that's moving to UK in a week and she started crying and it was a really touchy and intimate moment. Metka and I were kind of surprised because she just met us. It was kind of unusual but in a good way. I'm glad she' gonna be there next year :)
We got to know some other people who were at the school and then we
Then Shaun walked us to our car where he prayed for us and gave us a hug which, I think, was a very nice gesture.
So.. we left school at 4pm. We talked about the impressions, pros and cons and just processed a bit together. We stopped by at Tesco's and went shopping for things we can't get in Slovenia but it wasn't a very big Tesco so we didn't buy a lot (for those of you who don't know what Tesco is - it's a store with grocery stuff - like Mercator or Hofer. I know it from UK and Metka knows it from Ireland and we don't have it in Slovenia, that's why we were so excited to find it!).
to candy, full of energy :)
I got a good feeling there and I've been praying about it for almost 2 weeks now and God didn't tell me or show me anything that would say this school isn't THE school.
I'm sending emails to all 3 schools today, telling them about my decision. It's kind of hard for me to actually realize that I'm really going there for at least 4 months because of my bad experience with UK a year ago. I know people and everything will be completely different but it's still a foreign country and I'm going alone. I trust God this is right for me and I'm so glad He's with me in this huge part of my life, I could never imagine how to get through this by myself.
I would like to ask you to pray for my courage and trust in Him. I'm having a lot of attacks from the enemy in all sorts of ways and even though I'm fighting back, it's very hard.
Oh, I'm glad summer will be super busy so I'm not gonna have time to think about September that much :)
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