Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lesson learned

As a leader of an outreach team, I'm being put in different awkward and hard situations. Since everything's new, everything's even harder.
There was a question of doing the skits in Finland or not and I decided to do them even though none of us was excited about it. We were suppose to practice it on Tuesday when the doors got closed because interns had a meeting and Travis, the intern didn't have time, later on I didn't have time.. it just didn't work out. Later on I talked to Travis and he said that when he went to Finland last year in October, they weren't able to do it and that maybe we should ask Kyle, the Finland guy, about it again.
I did (and I didn't get his answer yet) and I asked everyone from the team to pray about it. It's been 3 days and I still didn't get any answer from God.
BUT I realized something today. I don't think I'm going to get an answer from God because He's giving me a choice to do it or not. I don't think there's a wrong decision that can be done but it's about me learning a lesson as a leader.
In these past 3 days I was leaning more on not doing the skits because it's gonna be awkward and hard and we don't have to do it and none of us wants to do it.. perfect, we're not gonna do it! But what I realized today was that I wasn't looking at God, but at us and our comfort. What kind of servant is a person who looks at himself and decides what's best for him based on comfort and awkwardness? No servant!
We had a prayer meeting yesterday and I told the team what I've learned and I also told them that it's hard for me as well (I need to be a model in the »Everything skit« which I don't know how to do and I don't want to do it) but it's a sing of humbleness and it's not for us, it's for God and for lost souls that might get saved!
They agreed and when we prayed, most of them prayed for strenght from Him, for courage and not awkwardness for the skits. I know they don't want to do it because they've never done it before but I think we might enjoy it and connect even more as a team.

Anyway.. we tried it today and it was a lot of fun! It was awkward and we weren't comfortable doing it but we tried and we're gonna try more tomorrow.
I'm so glad I decided to do it because we are getting closer as a team and we're getting to know each other more.

Nice job, God, like always :)


  1. Nice job, Mana, too! My heart is happy thinking about you and your dependence on/growing up in God.

    Love you!

  2. Liz, love you too + thank you for following my blog :)
