Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good bonding times

Margaret and I were thinking of a fun follow up thing to do and came up with a great idea of going camping to Bovec, rafting and having fun for 2 days. That didn't quite worked out since the weather wasn't nice so we decided to go to Vrsic for a night.
We had a lot of fun and a trip was a great bonding time with a lot of games and lots and lots of food.
After the trip Margaret and I spent the night at Manca's house (one of our campers). They have a farm and one of the best things seen was their pig Pepi. He's like their dog and the only reason why they don't have him in their house is because he doesn't like it. A funny pig.
After the slumber party at Manca's house, Margaret and I came back to Celje and went to another slumber party, this time at Maja's house. Maja's been to camps 3 times now and is a sweet sweet girl. We ate pizza, muffins and a cake + watched Beastly (a new movie of Beauty and the Beast).

I'll miss these days...


  1. Wow, Mana! Those pictures are amazing! So beautiful. :) And all these slumber parties sound like a lot of fun!

  2. Yeah, mountains in Slovenia can amaze you :)
    Thanks for reading my blog! I haven't been reading yours much, I'm sorry, but I do want to know what's going on in your life. Maybe we can skype at the end of the month?
