Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Home, sweet home

I've been home for 3 full days now and I must say it feels good. I love being somewhere I know the culture, the streets, where I have my own bed and almost my own room. Freedom! :)

It's also hard to be home. There's no Christian bubble and it's up to me how I spend my days. I love it that our college group here is reading through the Bible and that I was able to jump right in with them. We read approx. 2 books per week and then meet once a week to talk about them. I went on Tuesday for the first time and I loved it! God is taking care of me!

He's also doing something but I don't exactly know what it is. I've been thinking of maybe going to the States for a month or two since I have no obligations here yet (no school or job...) but I'm not sure that's what He has in mind. We'll see. I applied for a job in preschool today since it just happened that there were 2 open spots for preschool teachers. Is it God opening doors or just a coincidence? Will I even get the job? We'll see. My time here really is in His hands now and I'm open for whatever He has for me.

There's also a lot going on at home... and we'll see what will happen. I can see God working and allowing things that aren't necessarily good in our eyes but we can't see His plan. I trust He knows what He's doing and I pray He'll make all things work together for our good. Would you pray with me that I would continue completely trusting Him and having faith in Him, and that whatever happens, He will be glorified? Would you also pray for salvation of my family? They need Jesus, His hope and peace.

I thank you all for support and prayers in my transition. It really means a lot and it makes it all easier.


  1. If you come to the states, you can visit me! :D

  2. If I do, I'll sure come and visit... but it doesn't seem like I'll be going to the States soon :/ I miss you, though, and thank you for always commenting on my blog :)
