Friday, May 21, 2010

Confused and scared

It's been a couple of days since I found out I'm accepted to all 3 colleges I applied to and I've been praying about it since then but still, I feel confused, scared, nervous.. and happy at the same time.
I replied to all schools and explained my situation and they all wrote they'll pray with/for me.
Registrar from Calvary Chapel (Hungary) said one verse came to his mind while he was reading my email;

"We make our own plans,
but the Lord decides
where we will go."

- Proverbs 16:9

It's true. The Lord will decide where I'll go BUT I can't hear Him telling me where to go. I know He usually waits until the last minute but I'm scared I won't hear Him at all.

Please pray that I'll be able to hear His voice. Please pray that He'll be loud and clear and that when He'll tell me His plan for me, I'll follow His vision and not mine.


  1. don't get me wrong, but didn't got give men free will? why not just make your choice and believe that God wanted you to take responsibility for your actions?

  2. One of my goals is to trust God and by doing that, I have to listen to His plan for me.
    At the beginning, I wanted to go to Colorado because I would be closer to Anna, I could spend Christmas at her house, I would be in America, I know people from that school + I think the school is really awesome.
    BUT these reasons are mostly selfish and I have no idea if this school is actually the best thing for me right now.
    God knows and I'm waiting for His direction.
    If there'll be none, I'll decide by myself. But I really think He won't allow that :)

    I don't know if this made any sense but that's how I see things and that's what I learned about God.
