Monday, September 27, 2010


I took a weekend off and went to Budapest with some of my roommates and other students. It was really great to get away from homework for a couple of days and just enjoy the exploring and experiencing other culture, tasting different food, seeing things we've never seen before.. It was also kinda hard because I'm a person who plans everything in ahead and other people weren't so we had no idea where we're going for the entire weekend but this lesson kinda helped me learn how to be more patient and how to lean on God more. It was all a part of His plan.. :)
(I can't upload any pics on my blog because my access is denied but you can check them out on facebook).

We've also decided where we're gonna go for our 10 day outreaches and I decided to go to Pecg, which is a beautiful Hungarian town around 2 hours away from Vajta. We're gonna do some street evangelism, we're gonna go to Universities, to men's and women's prison, we're gonna prepare a concert for them.. it's gonna be awesome!
+ I think I'm gonna go to Finland for my weekend outreach (plain ticket costs only 50€ for both ways!!) on the Thanksgiving weekend (we have 4 days free).. I'm really looking forward to it and am excited what God will do and how He'll use me.

I'd really like to ask you to pray for spiritual attacks (I keep being reminded of my past life and it's really discouraging) and for my trust towards God. Even though I'm in a Christian bubble right here, that doesn't mean the enemy can't get to me and to other people. Please, just pray that I'll always recognize his lies and turn to God and the Truth.

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