It's been a week since I came to Vajta but it seems like I've been here for a month now. I'm not homesick, the castle is a lot like the castle in Austria, food is similar and people are amazing.
So, on Monday we started with classes! My schedule is changing every day (not classes but activities, free time for homework, free time for fellowship, laundry time, dorm meetings, servanthood..) and it's really hard to know when am I really gonna have time to be on email, facebook and skype. I'm sorry if you didn't hear a lot from me but this week's really been busy so far and it's really stressful.
I have Acts on Mondays+Wednesdays and G. of Mark+IBS (inductive Bible study) on Tuesdays+Thursdays. I also had Hebrews but don't anymore because it was just too much of everything and Hebrews is a really hard letter to study. I like the teacher, though.. so I might go and listen to his class sometimes.
I LOVE Acts! It's such an interesting book! We just did Acts 2 yesterday and Shaun, our teacher, explained things in such a good way. You know, apostles get up one morning and go and pray for a bit and there comes a wind with fire tounges and everyone starts talking in other languages because the Holy Spirit is working through them. And then other people come and start wondering what's going on and Peter gets up and starts preaching them the word of God! Amazing! Do you think he knew that's gonna happen on that day? He wasn't even prepared, he had the word of God in his heart and just.. started preaching! And around 3000 people became Christians that day! WOW!
I mean.. can you imagine yourself getting up one morning, thinking what's on your "to do" list, how you're going to do something, where you have to go.. and then BAM!, there's the Holy Spirit working in you and you start telling other people about God and A LOT of people convert and become Christians! :) I'm really amazed. Can you tell?!? :)
Anyway.. one of the classes is servanthood; we have to do 8 hours per week of something they signed us for (cleaning, laundry, dinning room...) and they signed me for taking care of kid's library and helping them with their homework and tests! Isn't this awesome?!? I've been working on the library for the whole week, re-arranging books and organizing everything + I'm gonna help with "Sunday school" tonight. We don't have church service on Sundays but on Thursdays (and they call it Koinonia) because they want to encourage us to go to other churches on Sunday morning. I can't wait.
I have to start working on midterm assignments this weekend because due date is October 9th which is gonna be here soon. I'm thinking of writting about Trinity for Acts class and I'm not really sure what we have for G. of Mark and IBS. Hm.. I'll have to check.
So, really, as you can see, we are busy but the truth is that this is our first week where everything is new and we just have to get used to it. Once we're "into the system", everything will get easier. Can't wait for that :)
There have been some hard times in between as well and it's really hard to focus on my relationship with God with so much "school work" even though it's about God and His word. My relationship with Him is really good though, one of the reasons is probably that we pray a lot (Devotions in the morning, before and after every class, before EVERY meal, before and after every meeting we have..) and that I'm trying to trust Him and I try to lean on Him. I can feel the enemy but He doesn't have a lot of power in my life, he's definitely not stronger than God :)
My roommates are awesome and I became really good friends with Sarah. We go to classes together, we do everything together.. we already cried together and shared a lot of personal things.
I'm so thankful that I'm here because even though I've been here for only a week and I have NO IDEA about my future, I'm starting to see what is He trying to teach me and how huge of an impact He has in my life. He is worthy of every hard hour in my life, of every stressful homework I have to do.. because that homework will help me get closer to Him and that is so awesome! :)
If you'll pray for me, please just pray that I won't forget He's always with me, holding my hand like the best Father in the world does.
+ p.s. I'll post some pics soon! I didn't take any but Sarah did :)
+ words that I've learned in Hungarian (I don't know how to spell them, just how to say them):
- Jó reggelt (joregelt) - good morning
- Jó estét (joeštet) - good evening
- Köszönöm (ksnm) - thank you
- Nem - no
- hol (van) a vécé (holvan a vece) - where's the bathroom?
- Jó (jo) - good
- segítség (šegitšeg) - help
Sarah and I went for a walk in between classes and started running/jogging and screaming:" Segítség, hol (van) a vécé?" A funny, funny moment :D
+ I reached my goal for the whole semester (Katka said I have to learn at least 5 words in the whole semester :)
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