Saturday, September 11, 2010

Prayer group

Fridays are not the same as the first 4 days in a week; we don't have Acts and other classes but we do have a class called Ministry and Discipleship (love it!!) where every week one of the teachers/pastors will come and speak for an hour and a half about one of the characters in the Bible. Don (who also teaches Genesis) spoke about Enoch yesterday and it was an awesome lecture. He made me cry, laugh, think... in an hour and a half. Awesome. We have to write a 2-page paper from our notes about the lecture every week + write down a personal application. It's a great class.
Right after that interns told us who is the leader of our prayer group and who else will be joining us in it and I'm sooo thankful that God put me in a prayer group with Dunja (a croatian girl who we met at the castle in Austria this summer) and Laura (+ another lady will be joining us but they haven't arrived to Vajta yet - she and her family are coming from South Africa!). Dunja and Laura are both so nice and their hearts are so gentle and warm and soft and I know He put me in the same prayer group with them so I can open up myself and not keep things inside me. Before we started praying, we talked for a bit and I started crying because Don was talking about our moms in his lecture (ministry+discipleship) and since then, I couldn't stop thinking about my family and how they're not saved yet. It's so hard to live a great life in God's arms (no one said it's not hard) and seeing how they suffer and how they're looking for a way out but can't find it. I'm praying for them all the time and I have hope for them but I really wish they could see how their lives could be so much better with Him.
We prayed then and poured our hearts out and after that talked about what it's like to be a missionary and which places has God put on our hearts. It was awesome and it's really amazing how I can see God's work in all of our lives. Every one of us has it's own story and God has a special plan for us. It's amazing to see Him working in our hearts and teaching us things that make no sense at the beginning but after a while, when you stop yourself and look at everything, at the whole picture, it makes so much sense!

So.. I survived the first week of classes :) Sarah and I got up at 8 this morning and have been working on our homeworks all morning and after lunch (actually, it was brunch - bacon, eggs, pancakes, some kinda potato stuff.. yum!) and we're gonna go for a walk now. We're inside a lot cuz it's been raining a lot but we don't care today. We need fresh air and a longer break! :)


  1. I read and cry and say "Thank you, Jesus!" May you continue to grow in wisdom and grace, dear sister!
    Love to you!

  2. Thank you for praying for me for all of those years when I wasn't a Christian yet, Liz. I'm so thankful I'm with Him now and all of your prayers helped so much!
    I love you.

  3. Yes i have tears too! So exciting to read about your soft heart towards Jesus!
