Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Lot's wife looked back... and so did I.

I’ve been a Christian for 1 year and almost 3 months now. My life has radically changed and I love it! It’s still a constant everyday battle but I prefer having the battles and being under the authority of God and free in Him than being “free” in the world, under authority of the devil and sin and be depressed all the time.

Even though I love my life now, I still sometimes look back.
A story of Lot and his wife comes to mind. She looked back when they were leaving Sodom because she was sorry they had to leave. God was saving them from that place because He then destroyed it but she looked back because she loved it – the city of sin and wickedness.
What happened to Lot’s wife? She became a pillar of salt (it’s kind of hard to believe that she actually became a pillar of salt; it does sound just like a random story to me but it’s in the Bible so it’s true, she really became a pillar of salt).

I looked back today. Not a lot; I just went to read some blogs of the people who were in my life before I became a Christian.
I shouldn’t have done it because it made me doubt the goodness of my life in Christ.
Satan used my weakness right away and my thoughts changed. “Why did I ever leave my life that I lived before? It wasn’t that bad…” but then another thought came to my mind, a thought of the Spirit and it reminded me of who I am in Christ today.
 I’m sure glad I didn’t become a pillar of salt for looking back but God did convict me for stop looking back. I have so many things ahead of me, so many open doors and God wants to use me for His glory! And I shouldn't even be looking at those open doors yet; I am where He wants me to be and I'm (supposed to) living in the present. It's hard but that makes life more interesting :)

I’m so thankful He chose me to be one of His people!

1 comment:

  1. Mana, this was an encouragement to me to continue looking forward expectantly to see God's goodness in my life rather than looking at past failures. Love you.
