It's been 3 days since we've arrived to Malenovice in Czech, and it's amazing. I had no idea what to expect but it's really awesome to be here, to have daily devotions with a group of Christians your age, to worship the Lord together twice a day... it's a huge priviledge.
We've been talking about different things that are important for us as interns this summer. We all took personality test (I'm a pretty strong beaver with an equal taste of golden retriever and lion - there's almost no otter in me), we also took spiritual gifts test and that was interesting. I had an idea of what my primary spiritual gift is, and the test brought it up, but I also realized a lot of new things (1. discernment, 2. administration, 3. prophecy) - it doesn't mean those are the spiritual gifts I have but I do think I have a gift of discernment and I experienced it with other gifts before.
Every evening Dave Patty takes us into Ephesians. We looked at who we were before being with Christ, who we are in Christ, where are we in Christ... awesome stuff! We went through Ephesians last summer at Kriz with Josh and it's really good to hear about these things again because it's so important to know who we are and how God sees us! It says we're blessed, included in Christ, adopted, forgiven, sealed, God's possession, redeemed... that's how God sees us because we're in Christ and He sees us through Christ!
A good thing to remember...
We have 2 days of training left and then we'll return to Slovenia. Our team is really amazing. We bonded so quickly and we've been having a lot of deep and spiritual talks - either in the whole group or one on one! I don't think any of us could ask for a better group of interns; the only sad thing is we won't be serving together during the summer, but we will be meeting once a week to talk and share what God is doing.
Johnny and Brooke are amazing as well. I met Johnny when I was 14 but because he moved to Celje a couple of years ago and because I wasn't always around there is a gap in our friendship. I think I first talked to Brooke in April when me and my schoolmates came for a 10-day outreach to Celje, so I really didn't know her, and in a way I still don't - but God's been working on our friendship and even though we're pretty different characters, I think we found a language we can both speak in.
I'm really excited I'll be serving with them this summer and I'm excited to be discipled by them.
God is... He's just good and faithful and amazing. It's so simple but sometimes so hard for us to get it. But it really is as simple as that - He's just good.
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